woman surrounded by butterflies

Greatness Intensified & Released to live

G.I.R.L POWER (Greatness Intensified (Ignited) & Released to Live) is one of SW Therapeutic Services' powerful Soul Sessions designed especially for women 18 and over to expose and escape from those traps that cause them to linger in depression, anxiety, low confidence, despair, resentment, disappointment, unmet expectations, heartache, unforgiveness, hurt, stagnation, anger, fear, denial, you name it. These "Lingering Traps" prevent women from manifesting and maximizing their greatness. Due to the recent rise in COVID cases, this group will take virtually with the exception of the final culminating Release to Live session. This is a 6-session commitment, every other Monday at 7:00 PM EST.

Here's a preview of what will happen

During the 6 sessions, you will

-Discover and break free from "Lingering Traps". Lingering traps is a term that I use to describe the things, people, or situations that we experience that have a hold on us and in our awarenss or unawareness keep us stuck. Yes, we can be moving and still stuck.

- Learn and practice effective ways to manage stress, frustration, feeling overwhelmed, depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness.

-Learn to use your voice to empower you to break escape from these traps to make healthier, more productive, and more rational decisions about your being

-Discover and reveal the greatness that is intensified inside of you and ignited it like fire that you are empowered to RELEASE and LIVE!

- Learn to navigate differently so to prevent your return to the same traps that enslaved you.

**This is not a crisis intervention program. Some situations should be managed indiviually with your mental health provider.

Why am I doing this? Why should you invest? Because you're worth this.

The total G.I.R.L POWER program is valuded at $330 (6 sessions at $55 each). You get to be a part of this experience for just $180 plus 10% just to to say thanks. Payment secures your spot. You may pay via HSA/FSA card or credit card, You may also choose to pay in 2, 4, or 6 automatic biweekly installments. Join me on this journey.

Due to the sensitive nature of the sessions, space is limited. To register, just click on I'm Worth It! You will receive a confirmation email (check your junk or spam) with a payment link and a follow up call to discuss important details. .

RElease Your Greatness

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